SB developed a very innovative high-tech seismic retrofit solution for this 1960’s nonductile concrete building. The existing building was identified as being highly torsionally irregular and lacking in adequate seismic bracing system.
A prior engineering firm developed a shear wall scheme, which required significant disruption to the building tenants and closure of many of the windows. SB developed an alternate high-tech seismic retrofit scheme consisting of “Unbonded Brace Frames” for the office floors and concrete shear walls at the lower parking levels. SBI’s scheme saved the client over $600,000 and was significantly less disruptive and obtrusive to the tenants and allowed the existing tenants to retain their view.
“This is a fantastic design and I’m sure it will start a buzz”
“It is the first seismic upgrade project that really does the job and looks great”
“Much improved from the first design, you will probably have much happier tenants”
“It gives the building a new stronger presence”
-Beverly Hills Architectural Commission“Innovative using three different technologies. They did not just depend on their analysis, they actually changed the building’s behavior”
-Award Committee, Structural Engineers Association of California