Saiful Bouquet developed an innovative, practical seismic strengthening solution for this 1960’s 1,254 apartment multiple high-rise complex in San Francisco’s Financial District. The design was based on nonlinear dynamic analyses using state-of-the-art techniques for predicting seismic performance and building damageability. The Performance Based retrofit scheme included innovative design solutions such as composite fiber strengthening of existing concrete walls, and 90 to 100 foot long micropile foundations in low headroom conditions (7 feet max).
SBI’s cutting edge design saved millions of dollars and allowed the buildings to be retrofitted with minimal disruption to the tenants of the building.
“We have been extremely impressed by the firm’s innovative and cutting edge approach in developing the unique design of the retrofit scheme. Dr. Saiful Islam’s innovative design solution saved the ownership millions of dollars over retrofit schemes developed by others.”
“Besides their extremely innovative design SBI was also continually diligent and responsive in monitoring all aspects of the time-compressed construction schedule. They further insured the project was completed on schedule and within budget projections.”
“Saiful/Bouquet, Inc. are experts in the knowledge of structural and seismic engineering and are unparalleled in understanding and following through on client’s needs.”
– Patricia Farrell, General Manager, Golden Gateway Center
“State-of-the-art methods of analysis incorporating equally state-of-the-art materials. Outstanding engineering effort to predict & improve building performance.”
– SEAOSC Award Committee